Hello, I'm Mischa Kuczynski.
I'm a Northern California-based poet and artist. I am passionate about traveling to events with my vintage lipstick red Olivetti Valentine typewriter (she’s named Yvette) to create tangible, personal keepsakes for you and your guests. As an Ars Poetica event poet, I see my work as translation. Connecting with each person I meet and transforming their experiences, feelings, and memories into poetry is a singular experience each time. Sharing a laugh, a tear, or a hug is often how my time with each guest culminates. I feel grateful to be able to channel my love of the written word into human connection and art. When I’m not writing custom poems, you can find me at work on my book. A finalist for the Ruth Lilly Fellowship, my poetry can be found in American Poetry Review, Fence, Pleiades, Honey Literary and elsewhere.